Leading original artists & illustrative designers agents since 1985
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Chris Price



One of the most peculiar things about being an illustrator is your inspiration for starting. In my case it was an early BBC TV programme run by Adrian Hill where children were encouraged to draw various subjects and our work was displayed on TV. It was very exciting and people such as myself and Ronnie Wood (now in the Rolling Stones) were hooked on media exposure. As an adult I illustrated the titles of several programmes (including Sir Hugh Greene & Simon Rattle) and have illustrated for the Radio Times since the old black and white days of Robin Jacques and John Minton to it’s present incarnation.

I worked as a commercial artist in Cadburys studio in Bournville (where I had to clock in), and on various underground newspapers at University. I also did posters for the rock and folk scene of the period: Burt Jansch was recently reproduced for a CD.

I’ve worked for nearly every newspaper in Britain, except The Sun, and many magazines and books. I adored doing regular restaurant illustrations in The Observer, starting with John Lanchester and ending with Will Self and a spell on the literary page of the FT. and as the Daily Mail’s illustrator for their Christmas stories. One of the most stimulating jobs was for Harpers Bazaar (Sydney) - doing extravagant fantastical pictures for designer clothes and watches (I love doing fashion). I am currently doing the wine page for Intelligent Life magazine.

I have successfully exhibited in Sydney and Mexico, Mel Calmans Workshop gallery, the Festival Hall and have a piece of work in The Brighton Art Gallery. My work has been in the Illustrators Annual and Ars Erotica among other books. Since 2004 I have published my own books (bibabook.com), starting with “In Biba” (with Barbara Hulanicki) There are nine so far - I am visiting Moscow to research my latest one.

Other clients include; Universal Music, EMI, Virago, Collins, Diageo (Whisky), Hovis, Pan Books, Oxford and Cambridge University Presses, Andaz Hotel (large mural), Maxwells restaurants, Heineman, British Airways, Serpents Tail, Guards Polo Club, Mont Blanc Pens.

The excitement of seeing your work in print or on display never palls, and the more the problems and the shorter the deadline, the greater the thrill. I’m very interested in all aspects of artistic design including films and theatre and hope to extend what I do into these areas.