Leading original artists & illustrative designers agents since 1985
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Pablo Caracol





With a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree under his belt, Pablo Caracol began his artistic journey through the worlds of sculpture, photography and illustration. 

He was drawn to illustration by the power of literary images and their relationship with words. He discovered that all mediums can meet and coexist within that realm. 

Currently Pablo focuses his artistic creativity on developing his own projects, the theatrical element of stories being that which moves him.

He has published several children's books and has completed other professional projects such as press illustration, posters, book covers and publicity orders a like. 

His work is driven by a determination to decode the fanciful relations between the seemingly disconnected and then combining those elements in a precise way, resulting in a conceptual proposal. 

Pablo, in his poetic construct, very often uses the semantic sleight of hand, to achieve the integration and combination of elements with the same morphological nature, whose similar visual appearance catches your eye, playful and sometimes perfectly metaphorical the infallible antidote to the same old same old of everyday life.

Clients El País, The Economist (Spain), El Español, Tiempo Magazine, Le Cool, Letras Libres (Mexico and Spain), La Marea, El Malpensante (Colombia), Diario Sur, Diario Información, Botanic Garden of Valencia, Córdoba Council, Narval Editions, Andana Editions, Erein Editions, Chaman Editions, TVE2 (public spanish TV), Cosmopoética 14º Editions Festival, Entreramas Adventure, Alicante Council.

Dream Jobs / dream clientsThe New York Times, The New Yorker, The Boston Globe, Penguin Random House, The Economist, National Geographic.

- First prize in the poster contest "Book Fair of Valencia"

- First prize in the national contest for reading animation, Library of Las Rozas.

- Selection of the international contest "Iberoamérica Ilustra"

2005     Erasmus Scholarship, University of Fine Arts of Altea, Miguel Hernández de Elche, Lithuania, 6 months.

2013     Exhibition of the original illustrations from the book L`Estrella D`Or, La Casa del Libro, Valencia.
2012     Hay gente ke vive en las paredes, Contemporary art space, La Barbera, Vila Joiosa.
2011     Caminante, Cultural House of Manises.
2010     Desde que era retoño, juego a atrapar tardes de otoño, space Vimambi,Granada. 
2009     Descubriendo a solas el sabor de las cerezas, space La Tertulia, Granada.
2009     Confía en ti, space El Entresuelo, Granada.
2009     Busco un tu, donde cobijar mi yo ,  restaurant El Trasgu, Granada.
2015      Valencia´s National Illustration Circuit
2013      Art Aladroc Exhibition (original illustrations from the Col·lecció Aladroc Editions) Tour in Vil·la Vicenta of Alcoi, Casa de la Cultura of Altea and University of Alicante.
2012      Al pie de la letra, works around the poems of Bertol Bech, Altea
2012      Entre el polvo, I loft Valencia, Valencia
2006      Hangares , Hangares del Ferrocarril, Altea
2006      Migraciones, Culturale House of Elda, Alicante
2005      Setmana d`art de Callosa. Alicante


2007      I don´t want to be ugly, Vilnius, Lithuania.Mentions and Awards
2017 My Book “La Espera” is finalist in the Gran Canaria´s Library International Concurs (A Buen Paso Editions).
2017 My book “Me Gustan los Globos” is selected by the ICEX to be in the Newspanish Books project (EE.UU).
2015 Selection in the Valencia´s National illustration Circuit.
2013      Accesit for the best photografy serie in the Nacional Bienal of Photography of de Manises City, Valencia. Estudio Morfológico.
2013      Selection in the internacional art fair Incubarte 2013, Valencia.
2012      Selection in the internacional photografy Concurse MontPhoto, Si tus caricias fuerán caracoles…, Dime…
2012      Photografy Award in the Bernia contest, University of Fine Arts of Altea, Miguel                      Hernandez Elche, Prefiero complicarme la vida  (Caminante)
2012      Concurse of abstract paint, La Nucia, selection work, Demasiado tarde
2012      Concurse of painting, Caixa Altea, selection work, Mar adentro.
2010      First Award in the photography concurse  Salón Nacional Matías Devesa, Vila Joyosa,Caminante.
2010      Torrent jove, Torrente, selection photography, Juego de perros y gatos.


2012      Bernia Contest, University of Fine Art from Altea, Miguel Hernández Elche. Prefiero complicarme la vida  (Caminante).