Donald Sutherland
John Lennon Portrait
AmandaII Goggles
Does China play fair / The Economist
Keir Starmer
Cold War Putin The Economist
The Marilyn Collection Standee
Michelin - Evil Gas Pump
Malala / Time Magazine
North Pole Dancer / Ted Baker
French Accents / The Economist
Anthropocene / The Economist
Murdoch Outfoxed Cover / Evening Standard
Dylan Jones GQ
John Lennon / Mojo Magazine
Inflation Caterpillars / The Economist
The New Pound / The Guardian
The Eels / Rolling Stone
Nick Jones / Courrier International
How The Right Broke Britain / Head of Zeus
Transport Cover
Penguins Magic of Diasporas / The Economist
Anthony Bourdain
The Book Of Jobs / The Economist
Rest In Peace Raymond Briggs / The Guardian
Rubber Soul / Personal work
Trump Justice
Tsar Putin / The Economist
Ireland / The Economist
We can work it out / Personal work
MidTown Christmas
Patrick Bateman 2.0 / Gentleman's Journal
Cuts / The Guardian
Master Of His Art
Spending Review
Celebrity Cards
TA DA / i Newspaper
Fat Cats
Japan Wades In
Kurt Vonnegut In Space
The Guardian / 14.08.17
Now that you are going to Make Me / Personal Work
T3 Space Monkey
Yoko Porundia
One Month / The Guardian