Leading original artists & illustrative designers agents since 1985
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Benedict Campbell







With 20+ years experience in advertising as a photographer and digital artist, Benedict Campbell has produced images for many of the worlds leading brands. He is renown for combining his skills as photographer and digital illustrator to create bold and often hyper-real images.

With Benedict Campbell's creative origins very much grounded in photography, his use of computer generated imagery has been to enhance reality, rather than detract from it. By creating a 'virtual studio' on computer, Benedict Campbell is able to create sets that can light, dress and manipulate in the same way that he can do with photography. Unlike photography however, this new media is boundless in its scope, pushing back the frontiers of perception while remaining accessible and reassuringly 'organic'.

As a visual chameleon, Benedict Campbell is able to draw from a wide range of styles. From the muted and tonal simplicity of a well-lit photograph, to the lush, sensual gloss of a computer generated image, the end product is guaranteed to leave an imprint on the mind.

Previous clients include:

Ford, Dulux, Vauxhall, Sennheiser, Domestos, Andrex, Chevrolet, Axe/Lynx, Ted Baker and Fruit 20.